Pages: 329
Publisher: Dial
Release: April 2nd 2009
Book Source: Barnes and Nobles
Age Group: Young Adult (12-18)
Award(s): Florida Teens Read Nominee (2010)
Willow Randall feels immensely guilty for killing her parents. In her mind- she did kill them; but not directly. One night seven months ago on a dark, stormy night at a family dinner Willow's parents drank too much. they request for willow to drive them home so they don't jeopardize her safety, and so she can get some more practice at the art of driving.
They never went home. On that rainy night Willow, as an inexperienced driver she lost control of the car and both of her parents were killed. She killed them.
Everyday she blames herself for her death. She punishes herself. She attempts to survive. The only way she knows how to do it; by secretly cutting herself. Seven months later she meets Guy. Sweet and sensitive; he is just what she needs to emerge from her shell- back into the world.
The only problem is that he's onto Willow secret. A secret like that could destroy someone with the guilt of knowing someone that is secretly falling apart. Guy wants into Willow's life; but can she break down the barriers that took months build- to change her self-destructive path?
This novel is a painful story of lust, love, secrets and a tortured girl. Tortured with heavy with the guilt of her parents death. I enjoyed how stubborn Willow was. About everything. She wasn't exactly directly stubborn- but the subtleness of stubborn in her personality.
Although she didn't actually kill her parents- she feels guilty and like burden. So she cuts herself. I have always wondered how cutters come to that conclusion. How it gets just that bad that you have no other choice. This novel does give you a peek into that secret world we wouldn't understand at all otherwise.
Two of the words I hate most are Emo and Fag. Why you ask?
Those are gruesome. Painful words. It is not their fault that "emo people" do not know how to handle their emotion any other way... There is a reason and you people who call them that DO NOT KNOW THEIR WHOLE STORY. YOU NEVER WOULD. EVEN IF YOU TRIED. The only thing you can do is try to help. Help. No call them emo and Snicker. Snicker. Seriously- what is wrong with you people. I believe when you read books you get a deeper understanding of people. And I believe that you should NEVER treat someone like that. Ever. No buts. I don't care what your opinion is- you are wrong. "emo people", yeah, they are people too. Just. Like. You.
I have had friends who struggled with this issue- and it hurts. It hurts that I cannot help and that I cannot fix everything. It is a hard situation to be in but never just go and tell. Snitch. That could make it 100% worse. Always talk to them first- Always first.
Julia Hoban created such a clear vision of a cutters real life- and has opened my eyes, and hopefully others, to the pain and guilt they face, every day.