Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Anna and the French Kiss

Anna and the French Kiss
Author: Stephanie Perkins
Pages: 372 Pages
Publisher: Dutton
Released: December 2nd 2010
Age Group: Young Adult (12-18)
Book Source: Received (?)
Award(s): Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Goodreads Author, Young Adult Fiction (2010)

Anna. Living in Atlanta, eager for a her crush to love her back,  ready for her senior year with her best friend. Much to her dismay she her father is shipping off to boarding school. French boarding school- abundant with rich kids, who have known each other since freshman year. Yeah, Great. America was great but France- ugh. that was before Etienne St. Clair. St. Clair. Super Foxy, Super Sweet, and most definitely Super Taken. Anna is reserved also- to her boy at home. But the chemistry is undeniable. Delicious. Sweet. Confusing. As the seasons change- so do her feelings. After many 'almost-s' will she ever get the kiss she has been longing for- the kiss haunting her dreams- the kiss from the boy she CAN'T be in love with?

Oh. Mah. Gawsh. I have no idea why I took so long to join the Anna parade. I have always read raving reviews of it but never had enough courage- or just didn't feel like it- to pick it up. Oh boy, do I regret that. This book completed my life- for a day at least. It was like a Sarah Dessen novel with the obvious romance- without the obvious plot. This book always had me guessing.

As for throughout reading this (AWESOME) novel, I was team Etienne all the way baby. All the freaking way... I would cheer him on and boo when it didn't work out. As for Anna- she was predictably unpredictable. You could never expect what was going to happen next. Anna would be a fun best friend- she was so independent. To be honest she was oblivious to the fact I wanted to punch her- several times in fact. But I love to feel the emotion with the characters- and this book was no exception. I absolutely loved it.

Stephanie Perkins. She is an ideal novelist and creates such a cute world for her characters to live in- this book lives up to Paris's romance cliche. In my mind without a doubt she created the most perfect imperfect romance with a gorgeous city to host it.

If you haven't read Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. Read it. Right. Now. A friendly word of advice- if there is a book everyone loves and you have not read it yet. Read it- most likely it is wonderful. People don't love books because they suck. They love books because they rock!

However I got this book- thank you anonymous. I found this book actually in my mailbox... and it was signed- (refer to IMM 7 Part 2)- and I treasure it greatly- I wish I knew who you were so I could thank you personally. I will love it forever.

Personally I believe this book deserves all the hype it got- and lived up to my great expectations. And personally I would love getting lost in Paris, France with a Foxy boy- I wouldn't mind!! Would you?

What did you think of Anna and the French Kiss? I'd love to know.

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